Wat ons stimuleert is een missie voor een duurzame toekomst mogelijk te maken met verstandige toepassing van de software. 100 klanten, 10 jaar op de markt en miljoenen mensen positief beïnvloed.
DO OK NL is een software ontwikkelingsbedrijf. We leveren remote teams die jouw software bouwen en klaarmaken om jouw eindgebruikers van dienst te zijn.
Fundamentele menselijke behoeften zoals veiligheid, zorg of eerlijkheid drijven ons team ertoe om u te helpen bij het nemen van de best mogelijke beslissing met de beschikbare gegevens. Laten we een praten over jouw applicatie!
Optimistic believer in meaningful relations, inner-growth and mindfulness. Inspired by the culture of Nordics, brings positive vibes to his teammates and clients. For the balance, he has PhD in Computer Science.
Responsible for managing projects from project commencement to completion and handover. He works with project initiation/proposals, delivery, stakeholder communication and management.
His domain is the full project lifecycle from business analytics, understanding, planning through testing, implementation, closing, and service maintenance to deliver projects' scopes just in time and budget. A problem-solving team player with over 8 years of experience in the IT industry. Other people about him: "Tomek is the right person to carry out innovative projects in a friendly atmosphere." Favorite beverage: water
Thomas heeft een passie voor digitale innovatie. Hij combineert dat met een oplossingsgerichte mentaliteit, wat hem in staat stelt om tot in detail te begrijpen voor welke uitdagingen de klant staat en welke kansen hier tegelijkertijd in zitten. Door zich echt vast te bijten in de uitdagingen van onze klanten, zoekt Thomas voor elke nieuwe klant naar een aanpak die voor hun specifiek het beste is.
Yannick staat erom bekend dat hij de vragen stelt die achterhalen wat de echte waarde van een digitale innovatie is voor een klant. Hij luister graag naar en praat graag met ondernemers om te leren hoe hun bedrijf werkt en te bepalen hoe een digitaal product het beste in hun business model past. Door het domein en bedrijf van de klant eigen te maken, kan hij de klanten goed uitleggen welke effecten keuzes op technologisch gebied hebben op de overkoepelende doel van het bedrijf.
He addresses software developer talent shortage for businessworthy, impactful startups, and entrepreneurs on the lookout for tech partners and developer teams. Krzysztof utilizes over eight years of software product experience in a corporate, startup, and NGO ecosystems within sales, business development, and project management, including education in administration and software engineering. He works to solve a puzzle on how to practice mindfulness in business and use #techforgood.
A digital business developer with a commercial and strong digital "mindset" with a significant talent for discovering and propelling new business solutions and- or modifying, expanding the existing business. We achieve our common goal with Trust and Teamwork! Privately, explore the world and support it to be a better place for all. Support of bonus child in Afrika – To move my legs ballroom dance with my wife is fun and more demanding than you think. In the summer we tour around the golf courses and try to get the little white ball in the hole.
Alex is a technology geek and beautiful design enthusiast with extensive startup and software consultancy background. He is passionate about IT, business development and sales. With over 6 years of professional experience gained in different organisations his current goal is building strong bridges between DO OK and it’s business partners. Outside work Alex is an avid traveller, book worm, muay thai and yoga lover.
Kate is a psychologist by profession, a real communication explorer, and strategist by passion. She supports the team in achieving business goals by building valuable relationships with clients and partners through hard data and a culture of openness, honesty, and transparency. Privately loves motorcycling, snowboarding, and traveling to places with good food.
An experienced web developer focused on backend solutions, especially crafted in Python.
A funny guy with a creative mind. Always keen to break apps (and other things), but only in order to make them better.
Grzegorz is interested in new technologies, especially web development since a very young age. His hallmark is a big smile and a positive attitude
I love working with individuals, solving problems together, helping them grow. We all need some guidance to do well in whatever area we specialize in. I strive to invite others to consciously improve their mindset and skill.
Developing software runs in Adam's blood. Fascinated by technology, he observes how the meaning of cybersecurity rises. Always ready to help.
Software developer specializing in web application implemented in Java technology
"My favorite technology basically is.. technology." Espresso-tonic rocks!
Python backend programmer, interested in computer vision. In previous job, involved with film industry technologies. He likes to play volleyball, chess and computer games in his free time.
Katarzyna is good at programming in Node.js and React.js technologies. She's a gamer and coffee lover.
His heart belongs to iOS and Swift
Rafał makes our work more convenient and smooth. He supports us in every field: operations and administration management, back-office and HR support. Known from his endless patience and British sense of humor. After hours he practises extreme sports.
Frontend developer with over five years of creating the last layer between the user and the system. UX enthusiast who helps with estimating and planning the shape of the application. Dj after hours.
Programmer since birth. He prefers reliable solutions over questionable frameworks and good-sounding names. Łukasz is focused on good architecture, solid tests, and proven methodologies to develop valuable products using proper tools. The best part of the job is the process of translating business into code. Besides programming, he takes care of the growth of the java team. After hours: motorcycle enthusiast.
Passionate about people, their culture, and way of thinking.